Vaginal drynessĪs female sex hormones ensure that there is a good circulation of blood around the vagina, a lack of them can decrease blood flow and, therefore, natural lubrication. Learn more about menopause and libido here. However, it can also be a secondary result of the other symptoms of menopause, such as mood changes, or a side effect of a medication. This can be the direct result of having lower levels of testosterone and estrogen, which can make physical arousal more difficult. Menopause also commonly affects libido, or desire for sex. Learn more about menopause and sore breasts here. Breast sorenessīreast tenderness is another common symptom of menopause, though its frequency tends to decrease in the later stages. Learn more about the causes and treatments of mood changes during menopause here. Mood changes are common during perimenopause and menopause. They can cause someone to feel suddenly sad, weepy, or angry. Mood changes are unpredictable shifts in mood that are not related to life events. Learn how perimenopause affects periods here. Eventually, a female will stop having periods entirely. Throughout the menopausal transition, it is normal to have irregular or missed periods.

Learn how to cope with hot flashes and night sweats here. Scientists are not sure why they occur, but it appears that falling estrogen levels can affect the hypothalamus, which regulates body temperature. Night sweats are hot flashes that occur at night. They cause someone to suddenly become hot, sweaty, and flushed, especially in the face, neck, and chest.

Hot flashes are among the most common symptoms of menopause. Menopause and perimenopause can cause a range of symptoms, including the following. Share on Pinterest valentinrussanov/Getty Images