Crossover: Wario Blast for the Game Boy (which is actually a dolled-up localization of Bomberman GB).Bomberman Hero plays with it a bit for the first couple of levels near lava, where you must enter cooling capsules to refill your health as you gradually take damage from the heat. Convection, Schmonvection: Red Mountain in Bomberman 64 and Nature Planet Neverland in Bomberman 64: The Second Attack!.And long before that, Bomberman for TurboGrafx-16, which gave us the Bomberman we now know and love.Continuity Reboot: Bomberman: Act Zero was meant to take the franchise in a Darker and Edgier direction.Bomberman 64: The Second Attack! gives you three continues that preserve your powerups, averting this trope nicely.Some versions only reduce bomb count and explosion size, but the other major powerups are lost. Continuing Is Painful: When you die, you lose all your powerups.release for the first TurboGrafx Bomberman had this as its cover. Let's not forget CONSTRUCTOOOOOOOOOOR X in Generations (it's doubtful that he'd let us).Combining Mecha: The Five Bad Bombers from Super Bomberman 3 enter into/become a large mecha for Bagular to ride after entering a vortex.The 3D games tend to just stun you for a few seconds instead if you walk into them instead of killing you outright, but the stun could easily be long enough for the enemy to deal a killing blow. Collision Damage: 2D games kill you on contact with enemies.During the true final battle, The Angel of Light and Shadow uses a similar attack as she did, and using the dark bombs cancels it out. Chekhov's Gun: When Regulus/Beelzebub saves Bomberman by cancelling out Zoniha's light attack with his dark bombs.Cheerful Child: Bomberman, he was even called Cheerful White.In the second battle, both his frontal shield and his breath weapon are disabled, but his missiles are harder to avoid because you're fighting him in an underwater tunnel. Chasing Your Tail: The Sphinx-like Bolban in Bomberman HERO has an armored front and a vulnerable tail.And the "floaters" are presumably the balloon enemies, but just try and NOT think of the potential toilet humor. Thank goodness this name didn't catch on amongst other things, it would have meant that the hero's name is "Eric", which is far less cool than "Bomberman". Character Name and the Noun Phrase: Eric and the Floaters, the ZX Spectrum version of Bomberman.Somehow it explodes in thin air around them too. Chain-Reaction Destruction: Bosses in Super Bomberman.Catgirl: Natia from HERO is a sexily sadistic example.Pommy is an expy to both Kirby and Pikachu.Captain Ersatz: Almost every major character in Bomberman HERO is a Captain Ersatz to a Star Wars character.Brainwashed and Crazy: Max in Bomberman Tournament.He continues like this in Super Bomberman 4. Brain In a Jar: Bagular at the end of Super Bomberman 3.Boss-Only Level: Pretty much every boss in 64.Bonus Stage: Bomberman Hero has one after each of the first 4 bosses, in the form of simple timed areas with gems, power-ups and 1-ups to grab.Big Ol' Eyebrows: Thunder Bomber from Bomberman Online and Bomberman Jetters has a rather impressive pair of eyebrows.Then he loudly declares that he's the only one that gets to defeat Bomberman right before making her one with a black hole. Big Damn Villains: Regulus/Bulzeeb in The Second Attack! Zoniha is about to kamikaze Bomberman after losing when he shows up and cancels her attack.Bomberman can do this in Generation as well.Cue Mass "Oh Crap" over the next few seconds as the camera zooms out, the planet starts bulging, and then turns into a planet-sized Cartoon Bomb before exploding. This doesn't stop him from grabbing and flinging one back to his assailants, but overshooting and having it fall into a volcano. Saturn Bomberman's intro sequence is notable for including some truly GIGANTIC bombs being thrown at Bomberman that are several times his size.BFB: As if Bomberman's bombs weren't big enough, he can pump them up to jumbo size in Bomberman 64 and The Second Attack! while holding them! This is actually required to kill some enemies-not from the bigger explosion, but by crushing them with the Pumped-Up Bomb.The opening cutscene in Online shows Bomberman practicing karate in a forest it makes people go "awww" when they see it.Badass Adorable: Very good example, especially since his face looks like (n n) whenever he's happy.